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søndag 14. mars 2021

A City on Seven Hills - from our archives - now with audio and video!

From the description box of this video:

...I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads....
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication....
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains [or hills], on which the woman sitteth.
Revelation 17:3,4,18,9

A woman rides the beast that represents Antichrist and the revived Roman Empire he will rule. She is a city built on seven hills that reigns over the kings of the earth! John equates the readers' acceptance of this revelation with "wisdom." That insight demands our careful and prayerful attention.
Many prophecy teachers insist that the woman is the United States. No, the US is a country. It might justifiably be referred to as Sodom, considering the honor now given to homosexuals, but it is not "Mystery Babylon." She is declared to be a city.
Nor is the woman ancient Babylon now being rebuilt in Iraq, for it is not built on seven hills. Some other cities are, but only Rome meets all the criteria, including being known as Babylon. Even Catholic apologist Karl Keating confirms that Rome was known as Babylon and cites 1 Peter 5:13​.1The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined.


mandag 8. mars 2021

 Vidim da mnogo videa koje sam djelila na mom blogu ne radi vise jer ogroman broj YT kanala je ili totalno zatvoreno ili neki, mnogi videi su odstranjeni sa YT kanala iako kanal nije zatvoren. 

Ja licno sam dobila senzuru od googla sto se tice mojih komentara. Nije mi vise dozvoljeno da komentarisem na YT kanale ako u komentaru stavim link za neki video ili web stranicu. Ja sam samo djelila video o tome kako da ljudi se spasu, da stave vjeru u Isusovu zrtvu na krizu za oprostenje svojih greha i djelila sam linkove za koronu gde se pokaze da nije sve istina sto oni u medijima nam sluze. Zadnji komentar koji sam napravila je bio u vezi korone i nakon toga ja vise nemogu da komentarisem na videima, ako stavim link komentar se odmah izbrise. 

Ovo je veliko zlo sto oni rade ali isto tako pokaze da smo u zadnjim danima i da Gospod Isus Hrist ce uskoro da se vrati i dan suda ce da bude. 

Ako niste spaseni sada je vrjeme da to uradite, ne cekajte sutra ili neki drugi dan. Sve sto je potrebno za spasenje covjeka Gospod Isus Hrist je ucinio na krizu (Ivan  1:29 ...Evo Jaganjca Božjega, koji odnosi grijeh svijeta. Ivan 6:29, Ivan 19:30,, sta da vjerujete? 1 Korinćanima 15:1-4) a vi jedino sto mozete da ucinite jeste da priznate Bogu da ste gresnik i da prihvatite,vjerujete, stavite povjerenje ili vjeru u to sto Gospod Isus Hrist je ucinio za vas licno na krizu. 

Luka 5:32 Nisam došao zvati pravednike, nego grešnike na pokajanje.

Ako niste upoznati sa kanalom Mač Duha posjetite ga OVDJE tu ce te saznati vise o biblijskom spasenju. Jako vazno da je da citate Bibliju i vidite sami za sebe sto tu stoji. Trazite vodstvo od Boga. 

DANAS JE DAN SPASENJA  ne odgađajte to. To je naj vaznija odluka u vasem zivotu jer radi se o tome gde ce te sprovesti vjecnost.  

 BIBLIJA: Kako ZNATI da li ideš u RAJ ili u PAKAO? Prihvati Spasenje Danas!

Biblija na nasem jeziku. Nisam upoznata sa ovom zajednicom ali samo djelim link zbog Biblije.